
Thursday 15 April 2021

Reading work

This is my reading work for this week, we had to do activities related to Anzac and WW2. I quite enjoyed this weeks work, it was fun making the soundscape. I kind of wished I made my soundscape longer, but what do you think about it? Please let me know!

Friday 9 April 2021

My Nonsense Creature

 My Nonsense creatures name is breadafu, she is a playful, mischievous creature. She loves long road trips and the smell of fresh, wet dirt. She has a lot of stamina, so she loves going up high places. It's almost impossible to get her down when shes up, she thinks it counts as an adventure. 

Breadafu has bright orangy-yellow majestic cat eyes, and rabbit ears that can hear sounds from miles away. She also has an elephant trunk to keep her hydrated, she has duck wings which can surprisingly fly very far, and last but not least, the weirdest yet coolest part, her bread body which may look tasty but not edible! Did you really think that was the only cool thing? No! She also has a bright halo that sits on the top of her head at all times.

Breadafu lives in a mushroom village. In her village, lives many more unique nonsense creatures. The village is deep into a forest. The village has many cottages and tree houses. Most the time, the time, the mushrooms are huge, but sometimes they shrink, and that tends to worry the villagers. So the villagers with a tree house also have a cottage. Breadafu stays in a little cottage at the outskirts of the village. It's cozy, but breadafu is supervised by and elf. Breadafu's neighbour is a sweet and sometimes vicious skudobuduhflu (Daisi's creature.)
